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Young Female Parliamentarians

Natasha Mooney

By Natasha Mooney

Women empowerment initiatives are a major focus of NORSAAC and represent a key advocacy area for organizations in Ghana’s Northern Region. Aimed at promoting confidence and capacity building, the Young Female Parliamentarian (YFP) program helps young girls to participate in decision making roles and foster leadership skills. In collaboration with the Ghana Education Service, this platform gives young girls a voice within a broader system. I asked my colleague Nancy and two former YFP (Younf female parlimentarians) members to explain the program, and shed light on the impact it has had on promoting the inclusion of young women in leadership roles in Northern Ghana.

Yeri Nancy, Project Officer under the Gender and Governance unit at NORSAAC, explains the YFP program and its importance with former members Issah Bintu and Adam Mariam:

What is your involvement with the YFP program?

What does it mean to be a YFP member?

Have you used your experience as a YFP to benefit your community?

How has being a YFP member impacted your life?

How does the YFP program contribute to female empowerment initiatives in Northern Ghana

Natasha Mooney is working as a Resource Mobilization and Management Specialist with Northern Sector Action on Awareness Centre (NORSAAC) in Tamale, Ghana.

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