We are pleased to announce that Alice Mugisho Musimwa from East and Central African Association for Indigenous Rights (ECAAIR) is this year’s recipient of ACIC’s Southern Speakers Fund. This Fund provides opportunities for Southern partners to dialogue with Atlantic Canadians on issues and demonstrate impact of efforts in international cooperation. Alice will be joining us for ACIC’s annual symposium in Sackville, NB June 15-17th. We believe that Alice will add valuable perspective and make a significant contribution towards this year’s symposium theme of “Common Concern – Standing Together as Global Citizen”.
Alice Mugisho Musimwa has worked with the East and Central African Association for Indigenous Rights since 2010 as a coordinator of a team of six Human Rights Advocates working to defend the rights of vulnerable women and children particularly girls victims of traumatic events in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. This fiscal year alone, Ms. Alice and her team of advocates have provided legal counselling and defended over 500 cases of rape, sexual violence and children’s rights abuses in different courts in the country.
We were impressed by the quality of all of the applications that were received for the fund, making it no easy task for the selection committee to come to a decision. We wish to thank the members of ACIC’s symposium committee and the selection sub-committee for reviewing the applications and making the difficult decision.