NSCC (Nova Scotia Community College) International is in our Member Spotlight for November. See what they're all about.
What we do:
NSCC International creates international learning opportunities for NSCC students and employees. Our role consists of:
Link to provincial, national and international networks, standards, practices and opportunities;
Identify and evaluate opportunities with partner institutions;
Develop proposals for external funding;
Promotion of opportunities, selection process for students and employees;
Risk management;
Project design, development and management;
Capacity building and knowledge sharing with employees and students.

NSCC Social Services student, Morgan Cooper, from the Truro Campus during the Experience Ecuador Spanish and Service Learning Program in 2015NSCC International focuses on three major areas:
International Learning Programs (Study Abroad)
Capacity Building Projects
Immigrant and International Student Experience
For details on each of these areas and more information check out our latest Results Report (2014-2015): http://international.nscc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Results-Report-2015-web.pdf
Also check out our latest edition of our newsletter: http://international.nscc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/NCSSI_newsletter_Fall2015_FINAL_101315.pdf
Currently we are working on:
We are just wrapping up our application process for the 2016 round of International Learning Opportunities which include projects/programs in 10 countries: Austria, Cuba, Grenada, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, the Netherlands, Scotland, Tanzania and Vietnam. Students and employees will be selected in November and begin the pre-departure process in the new year.

NSCC International students from around the province meet in Halifax for a two-day orientation in September 2015Annual International Education Week Photo Contest (for students, employees and alumni). This year our photo contest is entirely on Instagram! Post a photo with a short description of how it depicts International Education to you and don’t forget the hashtag #nsccintl! Winning entries will be eligible to win great prizes!
Deadline: November 20, 2015
Annual Holiday Party for International Students, December 16th, NSCC Akerley Campus
For more information:
Website: www.international.nscc.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nsccinternational
Twitter: www.twitter.com/nsccintl
Instagram: @nsccintl