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Last Month In Bolivia

Carolle Domen

As I count down my last month working with Levantate Mujer (Rise Up Woman), I have much to be grateful for and to reflect upon. Although things often did not go as planned, I was blessed with sharing many months with a community that will always be in my heart. I had a chance to work alongside a team of dedicated women who believe strongly in their work and will continue to work tirelessly in search of equality and empowerment for the women in their communities.

While giving workshops to individual families touching on basic finances, budgeting and savings, I had a chance to spend one-on-one time with the women who take part in Levantate Mujer’s programming. Some days I would leave these meetings feeling sad and overwhelmed, unsure if the workshops were addressing an issue that was relevant or even accessible to them. However, on other days I would leave feeling energized and thankful for being welcomed into their homes and having the chance to share a bit of their lives. In the end I believe that the moments of solidarity and communion that we shared were the most important.

A family workshop on budgeting and savings

On International Women’s Day we celebrated as a community in a local park and shared a message of empowerment and equality with people on the street. Every woman in attendance was gifted with a hat bearing the organization’s name. It was a simple symbol, but one that united us all in that moment, and made us feel part of a unique group of people that would always be there to support one another.

Women’s Day celebrations in the park with Levantate Mujer

I would like to thank ACIC, Chalice, and Levantate Mujer for this wonderful opportunity. I recognize the privilege I have in simply being welcomed in Bolivia as an intern and I am gracious for the chance I had to be a part of this special community for a short time. No digo "adios”, solo “hasta luego”.

Carolle is doing an internship with Chalice and Levántate Mujer Foundation in Bolivia.

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