Today it is July 15, which marks 8 days since the youth, Stephanie and Rosie have been in Honduras. Here is a little bit of what they have been up to:
July 8 (Drew): We finally made it... The landscape is so beautiful and breathtaking.
July 9 (Jocelyn): Si peu de gens font une si grande différence/ So few people are making such a big difference!
July 10 (Egan): We had a terrible sleep tenting on a concrete floor, but a major journey was ahead and we needed to tackle it!
July 11 (Caroline): Starting off the day exhausted and enduring through another day of obstacles. Enjoying and learning every second!
July 12 (Rosie): An informative day spent learning about mangrove restoration ended in shared laughter at the community movie night in Salado Barra.
July 13 (Stephanie): Saying sad goodbyes in Salado Barra and spending the night at Don Pepe's beautiful house on the Río Cangrejal.