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Dalhousie Global Health Office (GHO)


2015 global health photo contest. Ho Chi Minh Commute Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, August 2012 Carolyn Reardon

Located in the same city as ACIC’s main office, the Dalhousie Global Health Office (GHO) is making a difference locally and globally. They are an office within Dalhousie University, giving students, faculty and staff different opportunities and training and their programs are dedicated to Global Health Education, research and clinical outreach. Dal’s GHO also provides support to international students through the IMU and IMG programs in Medicine as well as under-represented populations through the PLANS program (Providing Leadership in Health for African Nova Scotians).

Located in the same city as ACIC’s main office, the Dalhousie Global Health Office (GHO) is making a difference locally and globally. They are an office within Dalhousie University, giving students, faculty and staff different opportunities and training and their programs are dedicated to Global Health Education, research and clinical outreach. Dal’s GHO also provides support to international students through the IMU and IMG programs in Medicine as well as under-represented populations through the PLANS program (Providing Leadership in Health for African Nova Scotians).

GHO Open House poster display

On October 21, they will be hosting their first Global Health Rounds session for 2015-2016. This session will be facilitated by Dr. Robert Huish Global Health Rounds is a public lecture series, and it is free as well. The goal is to offer monthly sessions to highlight and discuss the global health activities at Dalhousie as well as contemporary global health challenges with leaders in the field. This year the sessions will connect to the theme “Shaping the Future through Partnerships”.

Two children arm in arm, Honduras, February 2011 Laura Stymiest

Want to get involved? The Global Health Office is always looking for volunteers for their events. And they are always interested in hearing about new and exciting partnership opportunities on campus or in the community.

Upcoming events and deadlines!

Global Health Travel Bursary

  • Deadline Oct 8, 2015 @ 4pm

  • This bursary is available to Dalhousie students who wish to participate in the Canadian Conference

Dal Med Class of 72 Global Health Education Bursary

  • Deadline: Jan. 29, 2016

  • The MD Class of 1972 have established an Endowment Fund with the Global Health Office to provide bursaries to fourth-year medical student to pursue an international education experience.


2016 Global Health Awards

  • Deadline March 1, 2016

  • Awarded annually to a students, resident and faculty member who demonstrate global health leadership


2016 Global Health Photo Contest

  • Deadline March 1, 2016

  • Open to Dalhousie staff, students and faculty to showcase the power of images to tell a story about global health. Topics include:

    • Food security

    • Education

    • Maternal child and newborn health

    • Advocacy

    • Social determinants of health

    • Aboriginal health

Visit the Dal GHO’s website

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