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ACIC Honorary Member: Bill Gunn


Bill Gunn has recently become an Honorary Member of ACIC after being a reliable friend and ally of ACIC for many years. Most recently he hosted ACIC members at his house during the 2012 AGM and Symposium! We hope to see Bill at various ACIC events in the future as well where his witty humour is always appreciated!

Bill and his adoring daughters. We ask Bill a few questions about himself: 1. What does your job entail? This answer will shortly need to be in the past tense as, unfortunately, CIDA has taken a decision to close all our regional offices as of September 30th and I will be retiring from the government by early November. However, the job as regional director is one of two-way liaison or intelligence provision. I try to explain and promote Atlantic development organisations, events, concerns and comparative advantages to CIDA HQ and, conversely, try my best to explain and promote CIDA programmes, policies and results to groups and individuals in Atlantic Canada. 2. What's your favorite part of your work? If allowed to take a slightly longer view, the absolute favourite part of working for CIDA was my overseas postings in India and South Africa. Working directly with developing country partners and trying to figure out how best Canada can support their development efforts was so rewarding on so many levels. The work here in Atlantic Canada has been rewarding also, although it was more of a vicarious experience -- taking pride in the great efforts that Atlantic organisations are making to build a better world and contributing where I could a bit of knowledge on how to work with CIDA or what makes for effective development cooperation. 3. What book are you currently reading? There are a few books I'm gradually working through right now, with an eye to my next career as gentleman farmer (well, farmer): "The Art of Fermentation" by Sandor Ellix Katz; "The Winter Harvest Handbook (Year-Round Vegetable Production Using Deep-Organic Techniques and Unheated Greenhouses)" by Eliot Coleman; and "Edible Forest Gardens" by Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier. After 28 years as a bureaucrat, I figure it's time I learn how to be directly productive ... 4. Favourite Quote: "I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as members." 5. On a day off, I'd... Up until now, the answer would always be: On a day off, I'd go putter in the garden, orchards or woods. These will become my "day on" activities now, so I'll need a different day off activity. Perhaps I will rediscover my sculpting and reading addictions that took a back seat to kids and career ...

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