About the Inter-Council Network
The Inter-Council Network (ICN) is a coalition of the eight Provincial and Regional Councils for International Cooperation, and is currently hosted at the Atlantic Council for International Cooperation. These independent member-based Councils are committed to global social justice and social change.
The ICN provides a national forum in which the Councils collaborate for improved effectiveness and identify common priorities for collective action. Rooted in communities across Canada, the ICN is a leader in public engagement at a local and regional level, and is recognized for bringing regional knowledge and priorities to the national level.
Created in 2006 through a collective effort of the Councils, and supported through CIDA funding from 2007, the ICN has met and continues to address key needs of the Canadian international development community. Representing over 350 CSOs across Canada, the ICN is well placed to identify and address regional concerns, and is deeply aware of the needs and challenges of the small and medium sized civil society organizations within our sector.